Prospecting COI Script


Overcoming objections is easy to do when you stop and think about the root cause of the objection. Let’s look at a scenario you could face: A potential client is considering listing with another company based on the other companies per agent productivity.

Script Dialogue

Mr. and Mrs. Seller, it is true that the productivity per person at ABC Company is $4 million compared to our $2.5 million. Now that you know the facts, let me tell you the advantage you have, working with ReeceNichols Real Estate. You see, all that Mr. Reece has to do is quit growing his company and the productivity per agent will skyrocket.

Here is how it works, you see, we bring in and train approximately 700 quality new people annually. And I have to tell you, the truth is, that it is a tough industry, and it takes time for a new person to become highly productive. As a matter of fact, in our company we consider them new if they have been in the business less than 18 months. If you look at 1,400 new people coming into the company in the last 24 months, we have a lot of new people that pull down our overall productivity per person – compared to the competitors who are not growing their market share. Now, let me tell you what those 1,400 new people hired over the last 24 months can potentially do for you. You see, each and every one of those agents has a Center of Influence, and each COI is as different as a fingerprint.

So, Mr. and Mrs. Seller, no promises, but I can tell you, that when it comes to getting your home sold, these newer, well-trained people could be the reason your home sells because they’ll be bringing buyers in from their COI. They will be exposing their buyers to your property. And the truth is, in the overall scheme of things, we don’t know if an agent from Liberty, Olathe or Blue Springs is going to sell your home. But the fact is, Mr. and Mrs. Seller, the collective COI and the collective effort of our entire team will increase the mathematical probability of a quicker sale at a higher price with less hassle so you can be happily relocated in your retirement home in Tucson by April 1.