5 Facebook Tips to Increase Engagement


The key to success on any social media platform is engagement. You want people to like, comment and share the things you post. Not only will this create a conversation but it will help grow your following. Let’s look specifically at Facebook and how you can increase that engagement.

Here are 5 tips for increasing engagement on Facebook:

Update Your Profile

This sounds simple, and it is, but having an updated profile will make it that much easier for people to connect with you. Make sure to add a professional profile picture, note ReeceNichols as your employer and list all of your contact information.

Stick to the 80/20 Rule

We talk a lot about this within our offices and at Advantage but you want to make sure you’re providing valuable information to your audience and not just selling them on your services. To do this, 80% of what you post should be lifestyle focused – talk about Kansas City, home improvement tips, the real estate market, local trends. The other 20% can be promotional posts – share your new listing, offer up a MyNeighborhood Report, ask for referrals. So that means only 1 of every 5 posts should be offering your real estate services. This will help build the relationship with your audience and naturally they will turn into clients.

Share Great Content

Now that you are keeping the 80/20 rule in mind, the content you share should be helpful and valuable. You can always share posts from the ReeceNichols Facebook page, or use what we post for inspiration. Follow a variety of local companies and national companies – they are often another great source for inspiration! Not to mention the ReeceNichols News & Advice section. That is packed with consumer focused posts that can easily be shared from your agent website.

Comment and Like

Be part of the conversation by responding to questions, commenting on other’s posts, sharing posts and even just liking what people share. This is an easy and very effective way to connect with your friends and followers and build that relationship. And remember – always keep it professional and avoid controversial topics.

Commit to 30 Minutes a Day

Consistency is the key to growing your following and increasing engagement. Spend 30 minutes a day on social media. Review what your friends are talking about, post something valuable, comment/like others’ post, ask questions of your followers – interact!

Social media is such a great resource for real estate agents and allows you to talk to a huge group of people. Making the commitment to consistently post and be part of the conversation will position you as the go-to real estate expert.

Written by Chelsea Fanders
Marketing Manager
ReeceNichols Real Estate, Corporate