3 Tips for Delivering a Rewarding Experience

Rewarding Lives – these two words say a lot about ReeceNichols and why we, our agents and employees, are in this business.  They represent how we approach the home journey with our consumers, and how we approach the important business of the real estate agent. Our ReeceNichols Brand Promise is to “Create a Personalized Experience that is Rewarding.”  Often new agents ask how they can deliver against our brand promise. So let’s devote this post to 3 tips for bringing our brand promise to life.

Tip 1: Understand your Clients’ needs

It all starts here. Why are they looking to buy/sell? What is really important to them? To learn this – ask specific questions, be observant, listen and respond creatively.

  • What is your favorite feature in your current home? Neighborhood?
  • What is the one thing you wish you could bring with you to your new home? Neighborhood?
  • What is most important to you in your new home? Neighborhood?

Take this information and bring it to life for them! If their favorite thing in their current neighborhood is the local coffee shop, and the great relationship they have with the owner – don’t worry! You can help find that right here.  Spend some time searching great KC coffee shops in the communities you are recommending. Visit the owner and share you will be bringing in a client, and ask if they would extend a warm welcome.  As we all know, it is those personal connections that are rewarding.

Tip 2: Understand your Client’s communication style. 

It is very important to communicate how your consumer communicates.  So, just ask them.  Some clients may never check their home phone, but would appreciate an email. Others cringe at those and prefer a text.  A millennial client may appreciate a quick video texted to them with some great information about a local event – or perhaps tag them in social media posts that gives great information on that local event.

Tip 3:  Be genuine. 

You will be spending a lot of time with your client, and will learn a lot about them. You may become friends on Facebook, connections on LinkedIn, etc.  You may learn their style preferences on Pinterest and Instagram.  Use the information you learn to build a genuine lasting relationship. Celebrate their birthday (Facebook), endorse them for a skill (LinkedIn), or use your knowledge of their style when selecting a closing gift. Be personal and authentic as you build your relationship.

The best part about our brand promise is that is celebrates the relationships we build to support our clients and colleagues. So go forth and “Create a Personalized Experience that is Rewarding.”  It will bring out the best in you, and in those around you!