How to Determine the Age of Your Cooling System

Spring has sprung, and for sale signs are popping up all around the city. While must-haves vary among clients, every buyer cares about heating and cooling systems. The reliability of a system relies heavily on its age, but since many systems are inherited, it can be difficult to know when the system was installed.

That’s why we appreciate our friends over at A.B. May, our exclusive home warranty partner. Read their tips on how to help clients uncover how old their heating and cooling systems really are.

Whether a client is buying or selling, it is important to know the age of the system in order to estimate when it will need to be replaced. Many inherit heating and cooling systems from previous owners, but knowing the age of a system can save your client thousands of dollars. The older a system is, the more likely it is to break down, cause high energy bills and fail to keep up with the summer heat.

Luckily, the age of every cooling system is hidden in the numbers on the name plate.

For a Lennox or Carrier system, the third and fourth digits of the serial number will tell you the age. For a Goodman or Daikin system, the first and second digits of the serial number will tell you the age.

For more home improvement tips and tricks, check out A.B. May’s blog!