6 Ways To Enhance Your Listing Presentation

You have covered your bases and crafted a killer listing presentation, and you feel confident in your expertise. But how do you up the ante just a bit more to edge out the competition?

  1. First of all, take every listing appointment seriously — whether it is with your best friend or a total stranger. They think you are the expert; so act like it! Always assume they are talking with other agents.
  2. Before the appointment, ask the seller some key questions. You want to have an idea of their desired sale price, motivation for moving and the home’s condition. By knowing the answers to these questions, you are much better poised to give a detailed, customized presentation — thus significantly upping your chances of getting the listing.
  3. Once you get to the home dressed professionally, offer to take off your shoes. This shows respect, since some homeowners cringe when people wear shoes in their home. Also, pay them a genuine compliment about their home.
  4. Ask to take a tour of the home — this presents the perfect time to build rapport with the sellers. Look for things around the home you have in common. For instance, if you see a picture of a Harley-Davidson, and you are a motorcycle person, talk to them about motorcycles. While you are walking around, take notes of everything the seller says about the home. This lets them know you are engaged an interested in what they have to say. This is not the time to say anything negative about the home like, “That wallpaper is awful and has to go!”
  5. After the tour, take them to the kitchen table to go over your ReeceNichols seller marketing materials and your market analysis of the property. Always refer to the market on price, not your opinion. Offering a market-driven price shows you have done your homework on both the property and the neighborhood.
  6. Finally, make it your goal to have the exclusive right to sell signed before you leave. By following these suggestions, you are well on your way to gaining that listing!

Written by Mike Potchad
Managing Broker
ReeceNichols Real Estate, Cedar Tree Square