Stay Top-Of-Mind with Your Database

Have you ever had one of your friends or past clients say, “We just bought a house! We used an agent with your company, so we knew you would be happy.”

A phrase like that is the worst thing for an agent to hear. As painful as it is, it falls back on you for not staying top-of-mind with your database. Here are a few activities you should always do to ensure you never hear your former clients say that.

Store your database in a management system, and update it often.

I know this sounds easy, but it’s amazing how many agents don’t have one at all. Make it a point to enter all of your clients into the ReeceNichols Today Site. Then, set them all up on the ReeceNichols prospecting plans. These plans will send your database something useful at least once a month and are branded to you.

Master handwritten notes.

Everyone in your database should receive something from you at least once a year, if not more. Birthdays are an easy reason to send a letter. Look your clients up on Facebook and note their birthdays — then send a card.

Pick up the phone!

Try to call your database once a quarter. Share how the market is in their area, or just ask what they have going on in their life. Don’t make this phone call about you — it’s about them and their needs!

Send your database at least four mailers a year.

Chiefs and Royals magnet schedules are always valuable. What a great billboard for your database to see on their fridge all year!

Bottom line: no matter how you keep in contact, it’s imperative for you to stay in your clients’ lives. You’ll probably get a few referrals out of it, too!

Written by Mike Potchad
Managing Broker
ReeceNichols Real Estate, Cedar Tree Square