Rethinking Business Planning

I haven’t met anyone who truly loves business planning and goal setting. But, coming from a broker background, mid-year is when we typically remind agents to revisit their goals and see if they are on track. The agents love that almost as much as they love planning for the year.  It’s a problem because we all know planning is a necessity that carries directly into our success.

Let me invite you to view business planning from a different, more positive angle. Don’t get too excited — it doesn’t mean you don’t plan at all! It means you tackle your plan and goals in smaller increments of time. According to Brian Buffini’s guest on The Brian Buffini Show, Brian P. Moran, we should set one business goal and one personal goal in a 12-week block. Choose one area that will make the greatest impact on you — something real and compelling to you, not your boss, spouse, friend or coworker.

Brian warns you to not confuse your goals with your tactics. For example, let’s say you set a goal to work out three times a week. What’s wrong with that? The problem is it’s not aspirational. You work out for a purpose, like to lose weight or lower your cholesterol. That purpose is your goal, while working out is your tactic to reach that goal. So, at least for the first 12 weeks, choose a specific goal, like revenue or closings, and then select the tactics you will use to reach that goal.

Love this approach? Listen to the Brians discuss the concept in this epic presentation.

Franchise Director
ReeceNichols Alliance, Inc.