Mid-year Goal Check-in

As we enter the second half of 2017, are you on track to accomplish your goals? Or have you been too busy to set goals? Defining and implementing career goals is tantamount to realizing success as a real estate agent. The most productive agents are not necessarily the busiest — they recognize the difference between busyness and productivity.

Productive agents use zoom focus to set goals, craft a business plan and maintain a solid work-life balance. Want to reach your goals in the second half of 2017? The key is to prioritize, which starts with clear goals. Know your motivation — why do you need to accomplish your goals?

When setting your goals, be specific. How much income do you want to make? How many contacts, personal notes, pop-bys and open houses do you need to complete to close one transaction? How many transactions do you need each month to reach your monthly income goals?

Don’t over-complicate; keep it simple. Identify what is essential to accomplishing your goals, and zero in on these activities. Track your time, activities and results so you can manage, improve and adjust as you go along. That way, you can easily see what’s working and what’s not.

Real estate is like fitness — sticking with the fundamentals beats the magic pill every time. There’s not a quick fix in real estate, just like there’s not a quick fix to staying fit. Most surveys suggest that 80% of all real estate transactions comes from relationships, so staying in touch with your past clients and those that send you referrals should be at the top of your list.

In real estate, the fundamentals are:

  1. Stay connected with your center of influence.
  2. Show you care about your center of influence with personal notes, pop-bys, phone calls, video messages, emails and texts.
  3. Get involved and give back. Find something you’re passionate about, and volunteer.

Remember, there’s not a magic pill to success. Setting goals and staying in contact with your center of influence with laser focus will reap big rewards, and you will finish 2017 strong!

Written by Dianna Kinnard
Managing Broker
ReeceNichols Real Estate, College Blvd