Launching into your new career in Real Estate

The best way to launch into a new real estate career is to have focus and be accountable. At ReeceNichols we have a many different systems in place to get new agents up and running quickly.

Let’s review key actions you can take to launch into your new real estate career.

  • Create a Business Plan: It is essential that you treat your business in real estate like a business, with a business plan.
  • Set a Schedule: Everyone has the same amount of time in a day – 24 hours. Time blocking can help break your day in to sections and ensure you are prospecting, networking and following up with clients.
  • Study the Market: Learning the ins and outs of the Kansas City market while engaging with other agents in the office is a great way to build camaraderie and become more knowledgeable. Our Market Trend videos are a great way to quickly see what’s happening in a specific area.
  • Networking: It is also important to reserve time for networking. This includes scheduling coffee/lunch with your COI and office top producers; and attending networking functions such as BNI, YPN, your local chamber of commerce or rotary club, etc.
  • Organize your COI (Center of Influence): Be sure to organize your COI! Use the COI Spreadsheet to get started. This spreadsheet will enable your contacts to be easily loaded in the ReeceNichols tools.
  • Social Media: Don’t feel you have to learn everything at once. Instead, find the one or two platforms you feel the most comfortable with, and begin. Check out our Marketing Category for even more social media tips.
  • Open Houses: Offer to hold an open house for a busy agent in your office. Here, potential clients will come to you. And, you can use the opportunity to do some door knocking at homes in the neighborhood, to inform them of the open house and learn about their upcoming real estate needs. The key to these opportunities is ensuring the open house is priced right, in a great neighborhood, and ready to sell.
  • Name tag: Always wear your name tag – even to the grocery store! It is a billboard and reminds people you are a real estate agent, which can prompt a casual discussion with an acquaintance (or stranger) to become a client.
  • Training: Take advantage of all of the ReeceNichols Training – from Advantage to the Certified ReeceNichols Consultant to training within each ReeceNichols office.
  • Market Expertise: Show that you are the market expert by sharing great information. Leverage the variety of information shared on the ReeceNichols Facebook page, the News & Advice section and shared within your office.
  • Farming: Pick a neighborhood and learn all you can about it! Become the neighborhood expert. Then, market to the neighborhood with Xpressdocs marketing pieces, walk the neighborhood offering a MyNeighborhood Report, throw neighborhood parties and be the person they think of first for real estate questions.

A real estate career is rewarding and every day brings on a new challenge. For more information, contact Connie at